Android & iOS dev
We develop mobile apps for banks and insurance companies using various frameworks.
We work with a 360-Degree Project Management concept in each and every application area creating solutions for all types of business needs:
- Consulting
- Analysis
- Design and product development

Password: Concreteness. Starting from the customer’s idea or project we always try to give concrete answers in terms of solutions, technologies and budget.

We provide customized service levels (SLA) to ensure the greatest possible efficiency.

Application maintenance
In addition to development there will always be a need for updates, maintenance and further development of new features.

UI e UX design
The applications we design are the result of a highly collaborative teamwork between colleagues with different IT skills. Each project is the result of a careful analysis of the user interface and usability.

Dedicated team
In E-Time we have a business area exclusively dedicated to consulting and development in the mobile sector.

E-Time is first of all a system integrator. We are able to provide answers regarding any frontend or backend integration needs of an application.

The real added value of E-time is the competence of our team, made up of figures specialised in different IT disciplines.
Our professionalism is testified by our clients, among whom we can count important names on the national and international scene.
Would you like more details? Contact us.